Custom Curtains Plus is a full service custom interior design company. We offer in-home design consultation, full customization from our workroom and complete installation of all your home decor needs. Contact us today so that we can assist you in achieving the inviting warm spaces in your home or office.
Custom Curtains Plus offers a wide variety of custom window blinds and shades for your decorating preferences. These include Elite Wood, Stained Wood, Faux Wood and much more. Contact Custom Curtains Plus today and let us show you the many options of beautiful custom window blinds.
Just completed a custom designed bay window cushion. Chosen fabric was a premium vinly that had the look of leather. Click here to take a look and see the classy addition to this bay window seat ledge.
Custom Curtains Plus has just completed and donated a large array of custom curtains for Gifts of Love International. Gifts of Love International is an outreach ministry for orphaned children. TThey offer hope to children that would, otherwise, be abandoned or neglected by parents and loved ones. Here at Custom Curtains Plus we are thankful for our bountiful blessings and desire to reach out to those that are less fortunate. We have been thrilled to be part of this incredible project through Gifts of Love International.
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultness is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27